Scientific Committee

The operation of the Scientific Committee contributes to an enhanced coordination of the Project (since the principal scientists and managers of the project discuss and meet regularly within the SC) while at the same time, it provides a concrete scientific and technical support to the major decisions and reports during the project implementation.

The Scientific Committee (SC) is comprised by 7 members: the Project Manager (chair), the Deputy Project Manager, the officially appointed Responsible Scientist for each of the 2 partners, MAICh and FDC and 3 experts on plant conservation and management.

The nomination of the Scientific Committee was implemented by the Project Manager in October 2004.

The role of the SC is advisory on all scientific and technical matters. The members of the SC are in continuous, informal contact with the Project Manager (and his Deputy).

Five official meetings of the SC have taken place: A. in February 2005 just prior the milestone ‘Decision on the 7 specific localities of the Pilot Plant Micro-Reserves’ and it is the SC that did take this decision, on the basis of the data obtained during the preparatory action A1 (presented in front of the SC by the Project Manager). B. Four additional times, for the approval of the Reports to be submitted to the EU (November 2005 - 1st Progress Report; November 2006 - Interim Report; May 2007 - 2nd Progress Report; December 2007 Final Report).

Scientific Committee Members
1st Meeting (Feb 7-8, 2005)
2nd Meeting (Nov 23, 2005)
3rd Meeting (30 Nov, 2006)
4th Meeting (24 May, 2007)
5th Meeting (17 Dec, 2007)