Scientific articles/presentations

Thanos C.A., Fournaraki C., Georghiou K., Dimopoulos P., Bergmeier E. (2005)
A Pilot Network of Plant Micro-Reserves in Western Crete, P2288, p. 598, Book of Abstracts, XVII International Botanical Congress, July 17-23, 2005, Vienna, Austria
Thanos C.A., Dimopoulos P., Bergmeier E., Georghiou K. (2006)
Elaboration of monitoring plans for protected plant species of western Crete, Greece, p. 163, Book of Abstracts, 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology ‘Diversity for Europe’, August 22-26, 2006. Eger, Hungary
Tzirkalli E., Tsiamis G., Thanos C.A., Dimopoulos P., Bourtzis K. (2006)
Genetic and ecological analysis of protected, priority plants (Directive 92/43/EEC) in Crete, p. 164, Book of Abstracts, 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology ‘Diversity for Europe’, August 22-26, 2006. Eger, Hungary
Θάνος Κ.Α., Δημόπουλος Π., Bergmeier E., Γεωργίου Κ., Φουρναράκη Χ. (2006)
Παρακολούθηση Φυτικών Ειδών Κοινοτικής Προτεραιότητας στα Μικρο-Αποθέματα Φυτών της Δυτικής Κρήτης (CRETAPLANT - LIFE04NAT_GR_000104), σελ. 131, Βιβλίο Περιλήψεων, 3ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Οικολογικής Εταιρείας ‘Οικολογία και Διατήρηση της Βιοποικιλότητας’, Ιωάννινα 16-19 Νοεμβρίου 2006
Kargiolaki H., Thanos C.A., Fournaraki C., Maria E.A., Karpathaki H. (2007)
Plant Micro-Reserves (A Pilot Project Implemented In Western Crete) & Samaria Biosphere Reserve. In: ‘Priorities for Conservation of Biodiversity in Biosphere Reserves in Changing Conditions’, pp. 17-23, Proceedings from the International Conference, MAB UNESCO, 2-6 June 2007, Stará Lesná, Slovakia. Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak National Committee for UNESCO MAB Programme, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
Laguna E., Fraga P., Thanos C.A., Fournaraki C., Kaligaric M., Lipej B., Sovinc A. (2007)
Conservation through plant micro-reserves: Experiences from the LIFE Programme, p. 1155, Book of Abstracts, Part II, IALE World Congress, Wageningen, the Netherlands, July 8-12, 2007
Thanos C.A., Fournaraki C., Georghiou K., Dimopoulos P., Bergmeier E. (2007)
The Establishment, Monitoring and Management of a Pilot Network of Micro-Reserves in Western Crete for the Conservation of European Threatened Plants (CRETAPLANT Project, EU-LIFE), pp. 249-250, Conference Proceedings, MEDECOS XI, the International Mediterranean Ecosystems Conference, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, September 2-5, 2007
Laguna E., Fraga P., Thanos C.A., Fournaraki C., Kaligaric M., Lipej B., Sovinc A. (2007)
Enlarging the plant microreserves model across Europe through partnership projects, 5th Planta Europa Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants in Europe ‘Working Together for Plants’, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 5-9, 2007
Fournaraki C., Remoundou I., Thanos C.A. (2007)
Ex situ Conservation of European Threatened Plants in Western Crete, Greece (CRETAPLANT project, EU-LIFE), p. 24, Conference Proceedings, SEED ECOLOGY II - The 2nd International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, September 9-13, 2007